Making Tax-deductible Donations

Thousands of Reasons to Donate

Thank you for helping the Madison Education Foundation support programs and opportunities that increase the quality of education in our local Madison School District 321. Donations are the life-blood of any foundation, and that is true for the Madison Education Foundation as well.

Whether you choose to support the Excellence in Education program, the Teacher Grant program, Student Scholarships for graduating students or simply support the general operating fund, your gift will make a difference for educators and students across the district.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will provide opportunities that will enhance students and educators in the Madison School District 321 that will last a lifetime. You can choose to make a one-time donation or give on a monthly or annual basis. More details about tax-deductions can be found here.

All monies from your generous contribution are used to provide additional educational opportunities for students in Madison School District. Thank you for supporting the Madison Education Foundation. We appreciate your donation.

Here is some additional information about donation processes.

All checks are to be written to Madison Education Foundation and then mailed to:

Madison Education Foundation
P.O. Box 43
Rexburg, ID 83440

Everyone is encouraged to send their charitable donations to the schools through the Madison Education Foundation. The tax-deductible receipts are then prepared for each contribution. The Foundation maintains an account for each school in the district, and all funds donated are placed into accounts as designated by the donor.

An accounting system is used by the Foundation which allows individual donations to be designated to specific areas within the district. For example, donations may be directed toward a specific classroom, school projects or program, to any school or to a specific Foundation programs or fundraisers. All receipts contain an explanation of the designation, along with the dollar amount. Learn more about earmarking your donation here.

Our Donation Form makes your giving easy and convenient. The Foundation Treasurer and Secretary will issue a receipt that you may use for tax purposes.

Donations may be directed to and used for purposes such as the following:

  • Specific school
  • Specific Classroom
  • Libraries and books
  • Madison Fine Arts Center
  • Volleyball team, basketball team, dance team, etc.
  • School Dept: Music, Drama, Photography, etc.
  • A choral or instrumental group
  • Excellence in Education Awards
  • Grant Cycle Funds for Teacher Grants
  • Madison Education Foundation Permanent Endowment Fund

Click here to download Donation Form

One time donations can be made here online. Click here to fill out the form and make your donation using your credit card.

As our community grows so do the needs of our schools. The Madison Education Foundation supports the Madison School District through a granting process. This process is funded through the interest earned on our Perpetual Grant Fund. By becoming a perpetual donator you are supporting this fund. We are not asking for large donations to be a perpetual donator. We are looking for something sustainable for you and your budget. Even a $5 donation, made perpetually every month, will make a difference. Click here to become a Perpetual Donator.